When all else fails a healthy dose of fruits and veggies may be just what the doctor ordered for kids diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A study, published in the journal Pediatrics, suggests eating a healthier diet can help to improve behaviors of kids with ADHD especially when they have seen little improvement with therapy and medication.
The New York Daily News reports about the new study which outlines the benefits of eating healthy saying, “Supplemental diet therapy is simple, relatively inexpensive, and more acceptable to patient and parent. Public education regarding a healthy diet pattern and lifestyle to prevent or control ADHD may have greater long-term success."
Researchers stress that eating healthy does not mean parents have to do a complete overhaul of their children’s diets, just simple changes may be all it takes to get results for kids with ADHD.
Scientists involved in the study reviewed some of the research from a popular diet called the Feingold diet which removes all sugar and additives as well as implementing a vitamin regiment.
Though makers of the diet claim it improves symptoms in more than half of kids with ADHD, the Pediatrics reviews warns, “Controlled studies failed to confirm the effectiveness of the diet to the extent claimed.”
Even if the effectiveness of this particular diet has been exaggerated, parents who are desperate for something to work will probably take news of the possibility that something as healthy and natural as eating better has the potential to help their kids.
information from shespeaks.com
Getting a kid with ADHD to concentrate in school is very hard and challenging. As you can see they have a high tendency to become less participative in class. I bet what you need is some parenting tips for parents of kids with ADHD. Enjoy!