Friday, May 20, 2011

30 Day Challenge (day 26)

                              30 Day Challenge
                                               Day 26

day 26 - a picture of something that means a lot to you

I don't know what the kindermusik is all about but i know I'm all about the "FAMILY TIME" no matter what is going on all during the week, i think at least one day on the weekend it should just be family spending time with family. If its nothing but watching movies with popcorn and coke. I rather go out and do something but sometimes money has you on a tight budget, so it doesn't work out that way each time. Now that i have started my own family i think its always good to be able to do things together. Don't get me wrong i love the time that i get alone with the hubby. He is amazing man, and alot of stress on him right now because I'm on modern bed rest and i have to take it easy from here on out, through my pregnancy. He works everyday. and we are running on one vehicle to get back and forth to baby doctor and ob docs. did i mention he works 40mins away. So yes family time is always needed in the MCcollum house.

day 01 - a picture of yourself with ten facts
day 02 - a picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
day 03 - a picture of the cast from your favorite show

day 04 - a picture of your night
day 05 - a picture of your favorite memory

day 06 - a picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
day 07 - a picture of your most treasured item

day 08 - a picture that makes you laugh
day 09 - a picture of the person who has gotten you through the mostday 10 - a picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
day 11 - a picture of something you hate
day 12 - a picture of something you love
day 13 - a picture of your favorite band or artist
day 14 - a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
day 15 - a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 16 - a picture of someone who inspires you
day 17 - a picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently

day 18 - a picture of your biggest insecurity
day 19 - a picture and a letter
day 20 - a picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
day 21 - a picture of something you wish you could forget
day 22 - a picture of something you wish you were better at
day 23 - a picture of your favorite bookday 24 - a picture of something you wish you could change
day 25 - a picture of your day
day 26 - a picture of something that means a lot to youday 27 - a picture of yourself and a family member
day 28 - a picture of something you're afraid of
day 29 - a picture that can always make you smile
day 30 - a picture of someone you miss


  1. Very cute blog!

    I just found you through one of the Friday blog hops! Can't wait to read more. Have a great weekend.

    Amanda @

  2. Thank you for stopping by Coupons, Crafts and Causes. I was already a follower of yours.

    Have a great weekend,

    Coupons, Crafts and Causes
    Coupons, Crafts and Causes - Facebook
    Indiana Inker
    Indiana Inker - FB
    Mathews Marketplace

  3. Thanks for stopping by Pot of Gold Giveaways! I'm following your blog and twitter now.


  4. Hi Christina- thanks for stopping by WynnieBee for Foto Friday : D Returning the favor and now following you on GFC and Twitter. Hang in there - we were a one car family for quite awhile and now DH has a classic car and we each have our own cars - older models but they run : D Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
