Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Review Sleep Phones - Fall asleep Fast.

 SleepPhones are soft comfortable headphones composed of thin speakers inside a stretchy super soft headband - a very unique patented design by a family doctor.

 Christina's voice:
Sleep phones are amazing. The first night i used them i slept so good and did not wake up for nothing, til the next morning when my 3 year old was pulling on the bed covers to wake me up. They are the most comfortable headphones for sleeping. The kit includes : sleep phones and a sleep Cd as well. This product is used to block out noises and if your partner/roommate snores it blocks that out to. You hook this up to your IPOD, MP3 player or even CD player/boombox You can machine wash this headband. It has thin removable padded speakers inside. I would recommend this to anyone who likes to listen to music while falling asleep.


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