Tuesday, April 26, 2011

30 Day Challenge ( day 12)

****30 day Challenge****
Day 12

day 12 - a picture of something you love
I'm currently 6months pregnant so I'm allowed to just pig out okay.. I could sit and probably eat a whole box of krispy kreme doughnuts. But i do limit myself to 2-3 with a huge glass of ice milk!! they are just delicious, heat them up about 30 seconds in the microwave and your good to chow down. YUMMY this is a picture of something i truly love.. ( i do love allot of things) but this is whats on my mind right now ha ha.


day 01 - a picture of yourself with ten facts
day 02 - a picture of you and the person you have been closest with the longest
day 03 - a picture of the cast from your favorite show

day 04 - a picture of your night
day 05 - a picture of your favorite memory
day 06 - a picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
day 07 - a picture of your most treasured item

day 08 - a picture that makes you laugh
day 09 - a picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
day 10 - a picture of the person you do the most ****** up things with
day 11 - a picture of something you hate
day 12 - a picture of something you love
day 13 - a picture of your favorite band or artist
day 14 - a picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
day 15 - a picture of something you want to do before you die
day 16 - a picture of someone who inspires you
day 17 - a picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
day 18 - a picture of your biggest insecurity
day 19 - a picture and a letter
day 20 - a picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
day 21 - a picture of something you wish you could forget
day 22 - a picture of something you wish you were better at
day 23 - a picture of your favorite book
day 24 - a picture of something you wish you could change
day 25 - a picture of your day
day 26 - a picture of something that means a lot to you
day 27 - a picture of yourself and a family member
day 28 - a picture of something you're afraid of
day 29 - a picture that can always make you smile
day 30 - a picture of someone you miss


  1. Hi! Thanks for following...I'm returning the favor:)

  2. Yum! Thanks so much for stopping by, I'm following!

  3. Following you back from Gluten Free A-Z blog at www.glutenfreewithjudee.blogspot.com

  4. I haven't had Krispy Kreme in forever! mmm

    Now following you from Welcome Wednesday. Would love if you could stop by my blog!

  5. Thanks for stopping by today!

    I am follower 100! Woo-hoo!

    Lesli :D
    Put A Little Umbrella In Your Drink

  6. I should do this challenge, I see it plastered on facebook all the time!

    Oh, hi! Following you back!! Thanks for stopping by!

    When I was pregnant I could have put Man Vs Food to shame. Seriously.

  7. thanks for popping in and following!!! I am here to return the gesture!

  8. Looks like an interesting challenge, I think it would be a fun one to participate in. thanks for the follow, followed you back.

  9. Thanks for following my blog - I'm now following yours:)
    and just for the record...I could eat a whole box of Krispy Creme's, too...and I'm not even pregnant!

  10. Love the challenge. Except now I'm craving Krispy Kremes. I'm at Dayton for a conference and feel just sure there is one around the convention center. ha!

    New follower from I love Blogging.


  11. Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog!~ Gotta love donuts, right? Mmmmmm. . . you're making me hungry! Following you back now.
